Guinea Pig Awareness Week 2024

This year's awareness week is all about....

Nibble, Nourish and Thrive!

Day 1, we look at guinea pig behaviours.

Guinea pigs are often sweet, gentle but lively creatures with bags of personality.  Watching their behaviours can be very fun and give you a better understanding of them. 

Guinea pigs love to run around and jump up and down!

When they are excited they zoom about and jump straight up and down, turning 90 degrees in a move that is known as popcorning. It is lovely to watch them so happy.

They are normally very friendly animals that rarely bite. However, if they feel scared or frightened then they can become aggressive or hide away, and occasionally bite. This is because they are prey animals who are always on the look out for danger! You can help them feel safe by providing lots of tunnels and hiding places for them.

We couldn’t talk about behaviours without mentioning guinea pigs cute little noises – their squeak language. 

When they are excited or are trying to locate their mate, they make the well known “wheek-wheek” noise. If their wheek-wheek has a higher pitch than normal it is a sign they feel a threat is close by and you will need to resolve what’s upsetting them.

When they are exploring and having a nosy around you can hear them making a “putt-putt” noise.

Did you know guinea pigs purr?

They do this to tell you that they are content and relaxing.

Do you ever think your guinea pigs are always awake?

That’s because they probably are! Guinea pigs can be awake for up to 20 hours a day! They are crepuscular animals which mean they are most active at dusk and dawn.  

It is important to provide them with constant access to food and water. As well as a safe exercise area with hiding places, tunnels, toys and areas of deep hay for them to forage in. These are needed day and night to keep your guinea pigs happy and healthy.

Quarry House Vets